To market, to market, to buy a…

20140222-224235.jpgAfter a few days of feeling a bit in limbo, (we still haven’t started uni!) Kate, Emma and I decided that it was time for an adventure. One that involved us actually leaving our immediate surroundings.

So off to market we went!

We started off at the market down in Malioboro. Called Pasar Beringharjo, this massive building houses hundreds of Batik and shoe stalls. And if you wander right down to the back of the market, you’ll find dark little alleyways filled with all sorts of food stalls. From fresh fruit and vegetables, to traditional medicines, to all manner of spices. Then there’s the meat section – freshly butchered chicken anyone? Don’t even mention the dried fish section…the smell is pungent to say the least.

Ibu’s and Bapak’s watch sleepily as you walk by, whilst customers bustle importantly past.



20140222-222942.jpgEmerging back out into the sunlight we stopped at a warung for lunch before making our way to the pretty incredible bird markets! Every single bird species imaginable seemed to be here. There were finches and bossy roosters, sleek ravens and bright yellow lovebirds. Down the back were rabbits, cats, dogs and monkeys; big fat snakes and bats. And woven trays of wriggling grubs to feed them all with!!

Feeling slightly confronted but enchanted all the same, we finished off the day by testing out a coffee shop in the area, before heading over to the ACICIS house for a dinner of roasted goat. Thanks for a lovely dinner Ele!

Fay x



20140222-224729.jpgYep, that’s a rabbit in the basket!



12 thoughts on “To market, to market, to buy a…

  1. Gee Fay ,Just remembered I haven’t let the chooks out – our poor ordinary chooks – but actually compared to these Indonesian birds they live the life of Riley -not to mention our rabbits! Reinforces to me the comforts of life in Australia.

  2. Hi Fay, loving your blog – its sound amazing, such a wonderful experience – you should be a travel writer – I am very keen to visit!! Looking forward to the next instalment. x

  3. Love reading your blog Fay! Your writing eally makes me feel curious to revisit Yogyakarta! xoxox Cec

  4. TAKE ME HERE! I love indonesian markets. So sad for all the animals though – the poor rabbit! And I love all those bird cages – thing you could bring some of those home with you 😉

    1. How gorgeous are the cages!??? I would love to bring back one or two for you haha! And sometimes Indonesians get a shock when I speak Indonesian – but no matter how bad I am, they always say how advanced my language skills are! I could literally say hello in Indonesian and they would say I was fluent!

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